sptotal: sptotal: A package used for performing Finite Population...

sptotalR Documentation

sptotal: A package used for performing Finite Population Block Kriging (FPBK) on polygonal count data.


The package provides an option to perform FPBK on counts assuming perfect detection of counts on the sites that were in the survey sample. The functions in the package use methods in (Ver Hoef, 2008, <doi:10.1007/s10651-007-0035-y>)


sptotal Main Functions:

slmfit fits a spatial linear model to the response on the observed/sampled sites.

predict.slmfit uses the spatial linear model fit from slmfit and finite population block kriging to predict the response at unobserved locations. A prediction for the total response as well as a prediction variance are given by default.

Most of the remaining functions in the package are either helper functions or extra optional functions to extract various specific things from an slmfit object, such as residuals, AIC, log-likelihood, etc.

See the Vignette for more details: browseVignettes("sptotal") Reference for Mathematical Details:

Ver Hoef, Jay M. "Spatial methods for plot-based sampling of wildlife populations." A Environmental and Ecological Statistics 15, no. 1 (2008): 3-13.

highamm/sptotal documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 2:04 a.m.