Man pages for hillarykoch/powerTCR
Model-Based Comparative Analysis of the TCR Repertoire

AccessorsGrab important output from a list of fits
clusterPlotVisualize hierarchical clustering of samples
discgammagpdThe discrete gamma-GPD spliced threshold distribution
fdespondsFit the type-I Pareto distribution as according to Desponds...
fdiscgammagpdFit the discrete gamma-GPD spliced threshold model
get_bootstrapsGet bootstrapped fits for a list of fitted models
get_distancesCompute matrix of pairwise Jensen-Shannon Distances
JS_despondsCompute the Jensen-Shannon distance between two fitted...
JS_distCompute the Jensen-Shannon distance between two model fits
JS_splicedCompute the Jensen-Shannon distance between two fitted...
parseLoad in and parse TCR data files for use by powerTCR
repertoiresTwo toy examples of sample TCR repertoires.
hillarykoch/powerTCR documentation built on March 17, 2021, 8:05 p.m.