Man pages for hindantation/forensim
Statistical Tools for the Interpretation of Forensic DNA Mixtures

A2.simuA Tcl/Tk graphical user interface for simple DNA mixtures...
A3.simuA Tcl/Tk graphical user interface for simple DNA mixtures...
A4.simuA Tcl/Tk graphical user interface for simple DNA mixtures...
accessorsAccessors for forensim objects
as.simugenosimugeno constructor
as.simumixsimumix constructor
as.tabfreqtabfreq constructor
changepopFunction to change population-related information in forensim...
CmnThe number of all possible combinations of m elements among n...
combGenerate all possible combinations of m elements among n with...
dataLGeneric formula of the likelihood of the observed alleles in...
findfreqFinds the allele frequencies of a mixture from a tabfreq...
findmaxFunction to find the maximum of a vector and its position
forensim.packageThe forensim package
HbsimuA Tcl/Tk simulator of the heterozygous balance
likLikelihood of the observed alleles at different loci in a DNA...
likestimMaximum likelihood estimation of the number of contributors...
likestim.locMaximum likelihood estimation per locus of the number of...
likEvidLikelihood of DNA evidence conditioned on a given hypothesis
lik.locLikelihood per locus of the observed alleles in a DNA mixture...
LRLikelihood ratio for DNA evidence interpretation (2): a...
LRmixTKGUI for the LR function
mastermixA Tcl/Tk graphical user interface for simple DNA mixtures...
mincontriMinimum number of contributors required to explain a forensic...
N2errorCalculates exact error for maximum allele count for two...
N2ExactCalculates exact allele distribution for 2 contributors
naomitabHandling of missing values in a data frame
nballNumber of alleles in a mixture
ngmAllele frequencies for the new generation markers NGM, for...
PEThe random man exclusion probability
PVPredictive value of the maximum likelihood estimator of the...
sgmNorwayAllele frequencies for the new generation markers sgm, for...
simMixSNPSimulates SNP mixtures
simPCR2Polymorphism chain reaction simulation model
simPCR2TKA Tcl/Tk graphical interface for the polymorphism chain...
simufreqDFunction to simulate allele frequencies for independent loci...
simugenoforensim class for simluated genotypes
simumixforensim class for DNA mixtures
simupopDSimulate multi-population allele frequencies for independent...
strusaAllele frequencies for 15 autosomal short tandem repeats core...
strvenetoPopulation study of three miniSTR loci in Veneto (Italy)
tabfreqforensim class for population allele frequencies
TuAllele frequencies of 15 autosomal short tandem repeats loci...
virClassesVirtual classes for forensim
wrapdataLML estimate of number of contributors for SNPs
hindantation/forensim documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 4:42 a.m.