dataL: Generic formula of the likelihood of the observed alleles in...

View source: R/likelihood.R

dataLR Documentation

Generic formula of the likelihood of the observed alleles in a mixture conditional on the number of contributors for a specific locus


The function dataL gives the likelihood of a set of alleles observed at a specific locus conditional on the number of contributors that gave these alleles. Calculation is based upon the frequencies of the observed alleles.


dataL(x = 1, p, theta = 0)



an integer giving the number of contributors


a numeric vector giving the frequencies of the observed alleles in the mixture


a float in [0,1[. theta is equivalent to Wright's Fst. In case of population subdivision, it allows a correction of the allele frequencies in the subpopulation of interest


dataL function has several similarities with the Pevid.gen function of the forensic package which computes the probability of the DNA evidence, dataL implements a particular case of this probability. Please see


Hinda Haned


Haned H, Pene L, Lobry JR, Dufour AB, Pontier D. Estimating the number of contributors to forensic DNA mixtures: Does maximum likelihood perform better than maximum allele count? J Forensic Sci, accepted 2010.

Curran JM, Triggs CM, Buckleton J, Weir BS. Interpreting DNA Mixtures in Structured Populations. J Forensic Sci 1999;44(5): 987-995

See Also

lik.loc and lik for calculating the likelihood of a given simumix object


## Not run: 
#likelihood of observing two alleles at frequencies 0.1 and 0.01 when the number of 
#contributors is 2, in two cases:  theta=0 and theta=0.03
dataL(x=2,p=c(0.1,0.01), theta=0)
dataL(x=2,p=c(0.1,0.01), theta=0.03)

## End(Not run)

hindantation/forensim documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 4:42 a.m.