Workout Tracker

A small R library to generate a report of data collated from exercising using a Reebok ZR8 exercise bike


If you are running Ubuntu, you'll need to install libxml2-dev

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev

Then you can install this library from github using devtools:

# install.packages("devtools")


Currently, workout.tracker takes an valid document containing descriptions of workouts validated against workout_data.xsd which is found in the inst/ directory of this project.

A typical workout xml document will be formed as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <heightCm>160.1</heightCm> <!-- takes positive decimal value -->
      <date>2013-12-30</date> <!-- takes a date in _big endian_ format -->
      <level>1</level> <!-- takes positive integer value -->
      <timeInMinutes>20</timeInMinutes> <!-- takes positive integer value -->
      <caloriesBurned>340</caloriesBurned> <!-- takes positive integer value -->
      <distanceCoveredKm>9.62</distanceCoveredKm> <!-- takes positive decimal value -->
      <recoveryScore>F4</recoveryScore> <!-- takes the values F1 through F6 -->
      <waistSizeCm>110.1</waistSizeCm> <!-- optional - takes positive decimal value -->
      <weightKg>80</weightKg> <!-- optional - takes positive decimal value -->

Once this xml document has been loaded, the data can be loaded in to R using: = "<path-to-xml-document>")

The result contains a list containing a data.frame with all of the workout data as well as a second data.frame which shows the number of workouts per week for each week since the first workout in the xml document.

Shiny Dashboard

Also under development is a dashboard to give prerendered visualisations of data to the user for daily analysis. To run the shiny app:


To do

hiraethus/workout.tracker documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:58 p.m.