This vignette document provides an introduction to users who wish to use normalregMix package to test the number of components in normal mixture regression models. The algorithm of normalregMix is based on Kasahara and Shimotsu (2015).^[Kasahara, H. and Shimotsu, K. (2015), Testing the Number of Components in Normal Mixture Regression Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110:512, 1632-1645.]

General settings

Consider the following linear regression model with a $(q+1) \times 1$ parameter $\varphi = (\mu, \beta')'$: $$ \begin{aligned} y = \mu + x'\beta + z'\gamma + \varepsilon \end{aligned} $$ where $x$ and $\beta$ are $q \times 1$ columns, $z$ and $\gamma$ are $p \times 1$ columns, and $\varepsilon$ follows normal distribution with zero mean and $\sigma^2$ variance. Then, the density of $y$ given $x, z, \gamma, \phi, \sigma^2$ is given by $$ \begin{aligned} f(y|x,z; \gamma,\theta, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\exp \left( \frac{y-\mu - x'\beta - z'\gamma}{2\sigma^2} \right) \end{aligned} $$ Now, consider an $m$-component mixture model, where each $j$th ($1 \leq j \leq m$) subcomponent follows the distribution above with parameter $\theta_j = (\mu_j, \beta_j')'$ and $\sigma_j^2$ with proportion $\alpha_j$. Then, this $m$-component mixture model has a density of $$ \begin{aligned} f_m(y | x, z; \varphi_m) = \sum_{j=1}^m \alpha_j f(y| x, z; \gamma, \theta_j, \sigma^2_j) \end{aligned} $$ whose parameter is specified as $\mathbf{\vartheta} = (\mathbf{\alpha}', \gamma', \theta_1', ..., \theta_m', \sigma^2_1, ..., \sigma^2_m)'$, where $\mathbf{\alpha}' = (\alpha_1,...,\alpha_{m-1})'$. Given $m_0 \in \mathbb{N}$, this package aims to test a hypothesis $H_0 : m = m_0$ against the alternative $H_A: m = m_0 + 1$.

Obtaining PMLE

$\verb|normalmixPMLE|$ and $\verb|regmixPMLE|$ (for $q = \text{dim}(X) > 1$) can be used to obtain the maximum likelihood estimator of $\mathbf{\vartheta}$ for the penalized log-liklehiood function (PMLE) defined. Running the code will also return other useful information as well, such as the values of log-likelihood and penalized log-likelihood at PMLE computed, AIC, and BIC.


normalmixPMLE(y = eruptions, m = 1)
regmixPMLE(y = eruptions, x = waiting, m = 2)

Testing a Single Hypothesis Using normalMixMEMtest

Suppose that you would like to test a hypothesis $H_0: m = m_0$ against the alternative $H_A: m = m_0 + 1$.

normalmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, m = 1)
normalmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, m = 2)
normalmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, m = 3)

When $q > 0$, $\verb|regmixMEMtest|$ can be called to follow a similar procedure. Note that given $n$ observations of $y$, the data for $x$ must be an $n \times q$ matrix. Note that critical values are not printed in a default option due to heavy computation required for $\verb|regmixMEMtest|$. Specify $\verb|crit.method = "asy"|$ in a parameter to show the results.

regmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, x = waiting, m = 1, crit.method = "asy")
regmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, x = waiting, m = 2)


When $q > 0$ or the number of observations is large, computing modified EM-statistics can take more than minutes. To reduce computation time required to perform statistical tests, we provide an option to users to let calculation done by parallelization. In this package, $\verb|doParallel|$ has been used to implement this feature. To enable parallel computing, set $\verb|parallel|$ as $\verb|TRUE|$.

system.time(result <- normalmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, m = 5, 
                                       parallel = TRUE, crit.method = "asy"))
system.time(result <- normalmixMEMtest(y = eruptions, m = 5, 
                                       crit.method = "asy"))

Sequentailly Testing Hypotheses Using normalMixMEMtestSeq

$\verb|normalmixMEMtestSeq|$ and $\verb|regMixMEMtestSeq|$ allow users to test the null hypothesis against $H_0: m = m_0$ for $m_0 = 1, 2, ..., \verb|maxm|$ sequentially to avoid hassles of testing each of them manually.

normalmixMEMtestSeq(y = eruptions)

hkasahar/normalregMix documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4 p.m.