Man pages for hlennon/LCTMtools
Latent Class Trajectory Models: Tools for checking adequacy

actual_proportionsThe proportion within each class
appaThe Average Posterior Probability Assignment (APPA)
bmiBody Mass Index (BMI) repeated measures of 10,000 individuals...
bmi_longBody Mass Index (BMI) repeated measures of 10,000 individuals...
class_assignmentMaximum class assignment 'class_assignment' Maximum class...
confusion_matrixA confusion matrix
kappa_matrixKappa matrix
LCTMcompareA model comparison toolkit. 'LCTMcompare'
LCTMtoolkitA toolkit which computes a selection of model adequacy tests...
LCTMtoolsLCTMtools: A package for computing a number of Latent Class...
mismatchComputes the mismatch of the posterior probabilities...
mmlcr_to_lctmConverts an R mmclr model output to the format of R's hlme...
occThe odds of correct classification is the ratio of the odds...
relative_entropyThe Relative Entropy
sastraj_to_lctmConverts a SAS proc traj model to the format of R's hlme...
hlennon/LCTMtools documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 3:04 a.m.