Outlier detection methods for SIR models (bootSIR)

bootSIR is a sampling method allowing to detect outlier or extreme individuals.


There is currently only one way to install bootSIR

r # install.packages("bootSIR") devtools::install_github("hlorenzo/bootSIR")

Once that package is installed, you can test it on the ozone dataset

r data(ozone) # MONO method output <- bootSIR(ozone[,-c(1,12,13)],ozone[,1],method="MONO") # TTR method # output <- bootSIR(ozone[,-c(1,12,13)],ozone[,1],method="TTR", # plotBandwidthEst = TRUE,kernel="normal",nb.replications = 100) # BOOT method # output <- bootSIR(ozone[,-c(1,12,13)],ozone[,1],method="BOOT", # plotBandwidthEst = TRUE,kernel="normal",nb.replications = 100)

hlorenzo/bootSIR documentation built on March 7, 2020, 12:47 a.m.