plantGrowth: An example of a Dasst object

plantGrowthR Documentation

An example of a Dasst object


An example of a Dasst object based on file PlantGro.OUT. The originally data set can be found within package directory as ‘extdata/PlantGro.OUT’.


plantGrowth contains the daily plant growth for 3 treatments repeated on 10 years. A summary of its contents follows

Table 1

45 fields and 131 records

Table 2

45 fields and 112 records

Table 3

45 fields and 124 records

Table ...


Table 30

45 fields and 123 records

Tables ranging from 1 to 10 have plant output data for treatment 1 which simulates maize growth from 1970 to 1979 (south hemisphere). Treatment 2 adds fertilization with 50kg/ha of urea, and treatment 3 adds fertilization with 100kg/ha of urea.

See Also

Dasst for class definition and the example at read.dssat.



# Or


hlozza/Dasst documentation built on April 22, 2022, 6:41 p.m.