Payment-class: Payment class

Description Details Slots


A flattened Payment object used by the Ripple-REST API.


All of the 11 first slot lengths must be equal.

Each of the other slot lengths must be 0 or 1.

All elements of source_slippage must be greater than or equal to 0.

The slots partial_payment and no_direct_ripple cannot contain NA.



Object of class "RippleAddress". The Ripple account address of the Payment sender.


Object of class "UINT32". An unsigned 32-bit integer most commonly used to refer to a sender's hosted account at a Ripple gateway.


Object of class "Amount". An optional amount that can be specified to constrain cross-currency payments.


Object of class "numeric". An optional cushion for the source_amount to increase the likelihood that the payment will succeed. The source_account will never be charged more than source_amount@value + source_slippage.


Object of class "RippleAddress".


Object of class "UINT32". An unsigned 32-bit integer most commonly used to refer to a receiver's hosted account at a Ripple gateway.


Object of class "Amount". The amount the destination_account will receive.


Object of class "Hash256". A 256-bit hash that can be used to identify a particular payment.


Object of class "character". A "stringified" version of the Ripple PathSet structure that users should treat as opaque.


Object of class "logical". A boolean that, if set to TRUE, indicates that this payment should go through even if the whole amount cannot be delivered because of a lack of liquidity or funds in the source_account account.


Object of class "logical". A boolean that can be set to TRUE if paths are specified and the sender would like the Ripple Network to disregard any direct paths from the source_account to the destination_account. This may be used to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity or by gateways wishing to issue balances from a hot wallet to a user who has mistakenly set a trustline directly to the hot wallet.


Object of class "character". The direction of the payment, from the perspective of the account being queried. Possible values are "incoming", "outgoing", and "passthrough".


Object of class "character". The state of the payment from the perspective of the Ripple Ledger. Possible values are "validated" and "failed" and "new" if the payment has not been submitted yet.


Object of class "character". The rippled code indicating the success or failure type of the payment. The code "tesSUCCESS" indicates that the payment was successfully validated and written into the Ripple Ledger. All other codes will begin with the following prefixes: "tec", "tef", "tel", or "tej".


Object of class "numeric". The index number of the ledger containing the validated or failed payment. Failed payments will only be written into the Ripple Ledger if they fail after submission to a rippled and a Ripple Network fee is claimed.


Object of class "Hash256". The 256-bit hash of the payment. This is used throughout the Ripple protocol as the unique identifier for the transaction.


Object of class "POSIXct". The timestamp representing when the payment was validated and written into the Ripple ledger.


Object of class "numeric". The Ripple Network transaction fee, represented in whole XRP (NOT "drops", or millionths of an XRP, which is used elsewhere in the Ripple protocol).


Object of class "Amount". Parsed from the validated transaction metadata, this represents all of the changes to balances held by the source_account. Most often this will have one amount representing the Ripple Network fee and, if the source_amount was not XRP, one amount representing the actual source_amount that was sent.


Object of class "Amount". Parsed from the validated transaction metadata, this represents the changes to balances held by the destination_account. For those receiving payments this is important to check because if the partial_payment flag is set this value may be less than the destination_amount.

hmalmedal/ripplerestr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:34 p.m.