Man pages for hms-dbmi/sandboxR
Create Sandboxes of Phenotypics Data From dbGap

browse.dbgapOpen the dbGap webpag of your study in your browser
browse.studyOpen the study webpage in a web browser
consent.groupsGets you the list of the consent groups of the study
datatables.dictCreate a tables dictionnary of your study
dbgap.data_dictCreate a table dictionnary and a variable dictionnary
dbgap.decryptDecrypt ncbi_enc files
dbgap.downloadDecrypt ncbi_enc files
dbgap.expandDe-aggregate the variable in the datatables and create the...
is.parentIs the study a parent or a child study
list.oldmapsGet the list of the saved old maps
look.oldmapView an old mapping file on R
MapToTreeChange the structure of your tree folder using your mapping...
n.popGets the population number of the study
n.tablesGets the number of phenotypic datatables in the study
n.variablesGets the number of phenotypic variables in the study
parent.studyGets you the parent study of the specified study
phs.versionGets you the full dbGap study ID of your study, with the...
recover.mapChange the structure of your tree folder using an old mapping...
search.dbgapOpen the results of your search on dbGap
study.nameGets you the full name of the study on dbGap
sub.studyGives the substudies associated with the one selected
table.expandDe-aggregate the variable in the datatables and create the...
TreeToMapChange your mapping file according to the tree structure
variables.dictCreate a variables dictionnary of your study
hms-dbmi/sandboxR documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:36 a.m.