fame: Data: fame

fameR Documentation

Data: fame


fame is a dataset to practice working with dates.

fame contains the names, areas, dates of birth (DOB), and — if applicable — the dates of death (DOD) of famous people.




A table with 67 cases (rows) and 4 variables (columns).


Student solutions to exercises, dates mostly from https://www.wikipedia.org/.

See Also

Other datasets: Bushisms, Trumpisms, countries, data_1, data_2, data_t1, data_t1_de, data_t1_tab, data_t2, data_t3, data_t4, dt_10, exp_num_dt, exp_wide, falsePosPsy_all, flowery, fruits, outliers, pi_100k, posPsy_AHI_CESD, posPsy_long, posPsy_p_info, posPsy_wide, t3, t4, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, table6, table7, table8, table9, tb

hneth/ds4psy documentation built on Aug. 18, 2024, 10:39 a.m.