
Defines functions sort_in_order sort_by_names

## vec_fun.R  | i2ds
## hn | uni.kn | 2024 01 08

# Functions for transforming/manipulating vectors: ------ 
# Note that objects of type "table" are specific cases of arrays (contingency tables with freq. counts).

# sort_by_names: Sort a vector by its element names ------

sort_by_names <- function(v, ...){
  v[order(names(v), ...)]
} # sort_by_names().

# # Check:
# v <- 1:10
# names(v) <- sample(letters[1:10], 10)
# sort_by_names(v)
# sort_by_names(v, decreasing = TRUE)

# sort_in_order: Sort a vector x into the order given by the elements of order: ------ 

sort_in_order <- function(x, order){
  if ( !all(x %in% order) ){
    message("Some elements of x are not in order.")
  x[order(match(x, order))]
} # sort_in_order().

# # Check:
# sort_in_order(c(2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1), order = c(1, 2, 3, 4))
# sort_in_order(c(2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1), order = c(4, 3))
# sort_in_order(c(2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1), order = c(3, 5, 8))
# sort_in_order(c("C", "A", "X", "B", "Y", "A", "Z"), order = LETTERS)
# sort_in_order(c("C", "A", "X", "B", "Y", "A", "Z"), order = rev(LETTERS))

## Done: ------ 

# - etc.

## ToDo: ------

# - etc.

## eof. ----------
hneth/i2ds documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 2:22 p.m.