#' Prints out the survey question column label for a given column in a given dataset.
#' @description get_question() prints out the survey question associated with a given
#' column in a given dataset name.
#' @param do a CES survey data object (given as a character string)
#' @param q a column name in a CES survey data object (given as a character string)
#' @details
#' The order of the parameters for `get_question` are data object then column name.
#' Both parameters must be character strings and cannot be reversed.
#' To return the associated survey question, the `get_question` function relies
#' on the `var_label` function from the `labelled` package.
#' @return The associated question \code{q} in a loaded dataset \code{do}.
#' @examples
#' # print out CES code calls
#' get_cescodes()
#' # call CES survey
#' get_ces("ces1988")
#' # request the survey question for column a6
#' get_question("ces1988", "a6")
#' @seealso
#' `get_ces()` function help.
#' `get_cescodes()` help.
#' @export
# function to produce the column label for requested dataset and variable
# takes two parameters as character strings
# 'do' data object and 'q' question
get_question <- function(do, q){
if(exists(do)){ # if data object exists
if(utils::hasName(get(do), q)){ # if data object has the name of the given question
message(labelled::var_label(get(q, get(do)))) # print out concatenation of the column label
# the get function is required because it
# returns the object from the provided character string
message("Warning: Variable is not in dataset") # else, print this warning if question does not exist
# cat is used instead of stop because stop breaks the function
message("Warning: Data object does not exist") # else, print this warning if data object does not exist
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