Man pages for hohenstein/remef
Remove Partial Effects

asefFind associated effects
calc_ranefCalculate random effects based on a subset of variance terms
coef2termExtract the term names of coefficients of a model.
effect_labelsGet the labels of the fixed effects of the model
has_interceptFind out whether a model includes an intercept
interceptGet the intercept of a model
keepefKeep effects
partialCalculate partial effects
ran_as_integerRandom-effect names to indices
ranef_labelsGet the labels of the random effects of the model.
remefRemove effects
remef-package'remef' removes effects
term2coefExtract the coefficient names of terms of a model.
term_labelsGet the labels of the terms of a model.
hohenstein/remef documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 12:57 a.m.