

The doBy package [@doby] appeared on CRAN [@CRAN] in 2006 and, much to our surprise, the package is still being used. The package originally grew out of a need to calculate groupwise summary statistics (much in the spirit of PROC SUMMARY of the SAS system, [@procsummary]). The name comes from doing som computations when data is stratified by the value of some variables. Today the package contains many different utilities. In this paper we focus 1) on these "doing by" functions, 2) on functions related to linears estimates and contrasts and 3) on some of the miscellaneous functions in the package.

Functions related to groupwise computations

A working dataset

The CO2 data frame comes from an experiment on the cold tolerance of the grass species Echinochloa crus-galli. To limit the amount of output we modify names and levels of variables as follows

CO2 <- within(CO2, {
    Treat <- Treatment
    Treatment <- NULL
    levels(Treat) <- c("nchil","chil")
    levels(Type)  <- c("Que","Mis")
CO2 <- subset(CO2, Plant %in% c("Qn1", "Qc1", "Mn1", "Mc1"))

The summaryBy function

The summaryBy function is used for calculating quantities like the mean and variance of numerical variables x and y for each combination of two factors A and B$. Notice: A functionality similar to summaryBy is provided by aggregate from base R. [SH: DUMT at variabel skal navngives; det skal den ikke i aggregate].

myfun1 <- function(x){c(m=mean(x), s=sd(x))}
summaryBy(cbind(conc, uptake, lu=log(uptake)) ~ Plant, 
          data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)

Instead of formula we may specify a list containing the left hand side and the right hand side of a formula (This is a feature of summaryBy and it does not work with aggregate.).

## FIXME: Will fail because of log(uptake) 
summaryBy(list(c("conc", "uptake", "lu=log(uptake)"), "Plant"), data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)

Various convenient abbreviations are available, e.g. the following, where left hand side dot refers to "all numeric variables" while the right hand side dot refers to "all factor variables".

summaryBy(.~., data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)
## same as summaryBy(list(c("."), c(".")), data=CO2, FUN=myfun1)

The orderBy function

Ordering (or sorting) a data frame is possible with the orderBy function. Suppose we want to order the rows of the the CO2 data by increasing values of conc and decreasing value of uptake (within code):

x1 <- orderBy(~ conc - uptake, data=CO2)

An equivalent form is:

orderBy(c("conc", "-uptake"), data=CO2) %>% head

The splitBy function

Suppose we want to split CO2 into a list of dataframes:

x1 <- splitBy(~ Plant + Type, data=CO2)

The result is a list:

lapply(x1, head, 2)

The subsetBy function

Suppose we want to select those rows within each treatment for which the uptake is larger than 75% quantial of uptake (within the treatment). This is achieved by:

x2 <- subsetBy(~Treat, subset=uptake > quantile(uptake, prob=0.75), data=CO2)

The transformBy function

The transformBy function is analogous to the transform function except that it works within groups. For example:

x <- transformBy(~Treat, data=CO2, 
                 minU=min(uptake), maxU=max(uptake),
                 range = diff(range(uptake)))

The lmBy function

m <- lmBy(uptake ~ conc | Treat, data=CO2)
lapply(m, function(z) coef(summary(z)))

Functions related linear estimates and contrasts

A linear function of a $p$--dimensional parameter vector $\beta$ has the form \begin{displaymath} C=L\beta \end{displaymath} where $L$ is a $q\times p$ matrix which we call the Linear Estimate Matrix or simply LE-matrix. The corresponding linear estimate is $\hat C = L \hat \beta$. A linear hypothesis has the form $H_0: L\beta=m$ for some $q$ dimensional vector $m$.

A working dataset

The response is the length of odontoblasts cells (cells responsible for tooth growth) in 60 guinea pigs. Each animal received one of three dose levels of vitamin C (0.5, 1, and 2 mg/day) by one of two delivery methods, (orange juice (coded as OJ) or ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C and (coded as VC)).

ToothGrowth$dose <- factor(ToothGrowth$dose)
head(ToothGrowth, 4)

Computing linear estimates

Focus on additive model:

tooth1 <- lm(len ~ dose + supp, data=ToothGrowth)

Consider computing the estimated length for each dose of orange juice (OJ): One option: Construct the LE--matrix $L$ directly and then invoke linest:

L <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 
              1, 1, 0, 0,
              1, 0, 1, 0), nrow=3, byrow=T)
c1 <- linest(tooth1, L)

We can do:


The matrix $L$ can be generated as follows:

L <- LE_matrix(tooth1, effect="dose", at=list(supp="OJ"))

There are various alternatives:

c1 <- esticon(tooth1, L)

Notice: esticon has been in the doBy package for many years; linest is a newer addition. Yet another alternative in this case is to generate a new data frame and then invoke predict (but this approach is not generally applicable, see later):

nd <- data.frame(dose=c('0.5', '1', '2'), supp='OJ')
predict(tooth1, newdata=nd)

Least-squares means (LS--means)

A related question could be: What is the estimated length for each dose if we ignore the source of vitamin C (i.e.\ whether it is OJ or VC). One approach would be to fit a model in which source does not appear:

tooth0 <- update(tooth1, . ~ . - supp)
L0 <- LE_matrix(tooth0, effect="dose")
linest(tooth0, L=L0)

<< >>= @

An alternative would be to stick to the original model but compute the estimate for an ``average vitamin C source''. That would correspond to giving weight $1/2$ to each of the two vitamin C source parameters. However, as one of the parameters is already set to zero to obtain identifiability, we obtain the LE--matrix $L$ as

L1 <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0.5, 
               1, 1, 0, 0.5,
               1, 0, 1, 0.5), nrow=3, byrow=T)
linest(tooth1, L=L1)

Such a particular linear estimate is sometimes called a least-squares mean or an LSmean or a marginal mean. Notice that the parameter estimates under the two approaches are identical. This is is because data is balanced: There are $10$ observations per supplementation type. Had data not been balanced, the estimates would in general have been different.

Notice: One may generate $L$ automatically with

L1 <- LE_matrix(tooth1, effect="dose")

Notice: One may obtain the LSmean directly as:

LSmeans(tooth1, effect="dose")

%% \subsection{Additive model} %% \label{sec:additive-model}

%% Returning to the \verb|ToothGrowth| data, orange juice and ascorbic %% acid are just two of many ways of supplying vitamin C (citrus and lime %% juice would be two alternatives). Here one can therefore argue, that %% it would make sense to estimate the the effect for each dose for an %% ``average vitamin C source'':

%% << >>= %% LSmeans(tooth1, effect="dose") %% @

which is the same as

L <- LE_matrix(tooth1, effect="dose")
le <- linest(tooth1, L=L)

%% \subsection{Interaction model} %% \label{sec:interaction-model}

For a model with interactions, the LSmeans are

LSmeans(tooth2, effect="dose")

In this case, the LE--matrix is

L <- LE_matrix(tooth2, effect="dose")

Using the at= argument

Consider random regression model: <<>>= library(lme4) chick <- lmer(weight ~ Time * Diet + (0 + Time | Chick), data=ChickWeight) coef(summary(chick)) @ %def

The LE--matrix for \cc{Diet} becomes: <<>>= L <- LE_matrix(chick, effect="Diet") t(L) @ %def

The value of \cc{Time} is by default taken to be the average of that variable. Hence the \lsmeans\ is the predicted weight for each diet at that specific point of time. We can consider other points of time with <<>>= K1 <- LE_matrix(chick, effect="Diet", at=list(Time=1)) t(K1) @ %def

The \lsmeans\ for the intercepts is the predictions at \cc{Time=0}. The \lsmeans\ for the slopes becomes <<>>= K0 <- LE_matrix(chick, effect="Diet", at=list(Time=0)) t(K1 - K0) linest(chick, L=K1-K0) @ %def

We can cook up our own function for comparing trends:

<<>>= LSmeans_trend <- function(object, effect, trend){ L <- LE_matrix(object, effect=effect, at=as.list(setNames(1, trend))) - LE_matrix(object, effect=effect, at=as.list(setNames(0, trend))) linest(object, L=L) } LSmeans_trend(chick, effect="Diet", trend="Time") @ %def

\section{Using (transformed) covariates} \label{sec:using-covariates}

Consider the following subset of the \code{CO2} dataset:

<<>>= data(CO2) CO2 <- transform(CO2, Treat=Treatment, Treatment=NULL) levels(CO2$Treat) <- c("nchil","chil") levels(CO2$Type) <- c("Que","Mis") ftable(xtabs( ~ Plant + Type + Treat, data=CO2), col.vars=2:3) @ %def

<>= qplot(x=log(conc), y=uptake, data=CO2, color=Treat, facets=~Type) @ %def

Below, the covariate \code{conc} is fixed at the average value: <<>>= co2.lm1 <- lm(uptake ~ conc + Type + Treat, data=CO2) LSmeans(co2.lm1, effect="Treat") @ %def

If we use \code{log(conc)} instead we will get an error when calculating LS--means: <>= co2.lm <- lm(uptake ~ log(conc) + Type + Treat, data=CO2) LSmeans(co2.lm, effect="Treat") @ %def

In this case one can do <<>>= co2.lm2 <- lm(uptake ~ log.conc + Type + Treat, data=transform(CO2, log.conc=log(conc))) LSmeans(co2.lm2, effect="Treat") @ %def

This also highlights what is computed: The average of the log of \code{conc}; not the log of the average of \code{conc}.

In a similar spirit consider

<<>>= co2.lm3 <- lm(uptake ~ conc + I(conc^2) + Type + Treat, data=CO2) LSmeans(co2.lm3, effect="Treat") @ %def

Above \verb'I(conc^2)' is the average of the squared values of \code{conc}; not the square of the average of \code{conc}, cfr.\ the following.

<<>>= co2.lm4 <- lm(uptake ~ conc + conc2 + Type + Treat, data= transform(CO2, conc2=conc^2)) LSmeans(co2.lm4, effect="Treat") @ %def

If we want to evaluate the LS--means at \code{conc=10} then we can do: <<>>= LSmeans(co2.lm4, effect="Treat", at=list(conc=10, conc2=100)) @ %def


Credit is due to Dennis Chabot, Gabor Grothendieck, Paul Murrell, Jim Robison-Cox and Erik Jørgensen for reporting various bugs and making various suggestions to the functionality in the doBy package.


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