nRecursions-methods: Methods to set or get nRecursions

Description Methods Notes


Gets or Sets the number of recursions for an object



object = "flowFP"

Sets and Gets the number of recursions for viewing a flowFP object.

object = "flowFPModel"

Gets the number of recursions for viewing a flowFPModel object.

object = "flowFPPlex"

Gets the number of recursions for viewing a flowFPPlex object.


When a model is computed (either with the flowFPModel constructor, or implicitly wit the flowFP constructor) the number of bins into which events are divided is determined. Because the binning process is recursive, given a high-resolution binning, any lower-resolution representation can easily be derived. The set methods do this derivation, and the get methods return the current resolution of the object.

Thus, the maximum value to which nRecursions may be set is determined by the value of nRecursions at construction time. If an attempt is made to set nRecursions higher than this value a warning will result.

holyst/flowFP documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 4:22 a.m.