Caveat: This document provides a convenient, worry-free format for writing up homework. Of course you must modify it properly. In particular you must delete any instructional material (such as this paragraph, for instance). Also, don't forget to provide your own name and title in the YAML front matter.

# You should also load any packages that you need, for example:
# library(ggplot2)

# This is a good place for global chunk options;
# we'll get you started with a few sensible ones.
# Don't try to modify them until you have more experience.
  error = TRUE,         # document will knit even if code-chunk contains error
  fig.align = 'center', # center graphs on the page
  out.width = "90%",    # graphs take up 90% of available width
  warning = FALSE,      # prevent warnings and messages in the
  message = FALSE,      # console from getting into the knitted
                        # document
  size = "small",       # slightly smaller LaTeX output
  tidy = FALSE          # show code like you wrote it

Problem 1

Problem Statement

Describe the problem briefly here. (It may help to copy, paste and modify the problem as stated in the online textbook.)

My Solution

Here's the code for my solution:

manyCat <- function(word, n) {
  wordWithNewLine <- paste(word, "\n")
  message <- rep(wordWithNewLine, times = n)

Let's test the function on a couple of examples. To cat out the string "Hello" four times, we try:

manyCat(word = "Hello", n = 4)

To cat out "Goodbye!" twice, we try:

manyCat(word = "Goodbye!", n = 2)

Problem 2

Problem Statement

The problem statement goes here ...


Your solution goes here ...

homerhanumat/bcscr documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 4 a.m.