Man pages for hongyuanjia/eplusbuildr
A collection of useful functions to work with eplusr

merge_objectMerge redundant objects into one
purge_objectPurge objects that are not referenced by any others
rename_per_fieldRename object in specified class based on zone or zone list...
rename_per_funRename objects using speicified function
schedule_year_to_compactConvert "Schedule:Year" Objects to "Schedule:Compact" objects
toCamelCaseChange to CamelCase
verify_classVerify input class names and return only existings
verify_groupVerify input group names and return only existings
with_check_disabledEvaluate an expression with eplusr checking components...
with_eplusr_optionEvaluate an expression with temporary eplusr options
with_no_verboseEvaluate an expression with no verbose information
hongyuanjia/eplusbuildr documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 2:05 a.m.