  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This post has referred to a vignette from dplyr, you can find it in We'll try to display how to join data tables in this vignette. First, load the packages we need and get some data.


flights2 <- flights %>% 
  select_dt(year,month,day, hour, origin, dest, tailnum, carrier)

Do a left join with a simple:

flights2 %>% 

Controlling how the tables are matched

Join works the same as dplyr:

flights2 %>% left_join_dt(weather)
flights2 %>% left_join_dt(planes, by = "tailnum")
flights2 %>% left_join_dt(airports, c("dest" = "faa"))
flights2 %>% left_join_dt(airports, c("origin" = "faa"))

Types of join

df1 <- data.table(x = c(1, 2), y = 2:1)
df2 <- data.table(x = c(1, 3), a = 10, b = "a")

df1 %>% inner_join_dt(df2) 
df1 %>% left_join_dt(df2)
df1 %>% right_join_dt(df2)
df1 %>% full_join_dt(df2)

If all you have is a data.frame or tibble, you have no need to change the format. Feed the data directly:

df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2), y = 1:3)
df2 <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2), z = c("a", "b", "a"))

df1 %>% left_join_dt(df2)

The "_dt" suffix should remind you that this is backed up by data.table and will always return a data.table in the end.

Filtering joins

Filtering joins have also been supported in tidyfst.

flights %>% 
  anti_join_dt(planes, by = "tailnum") %>% 
  count_dt(tailnum, sort = TRUE)

Other examples (semi_join_dt() and anti_join_dt() never duplicate; they only ever remove observations.):

df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 3, 4), y = 1:4)
df2 <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2), z = c("a", "b", "a"))

# Four rows to start with:
df1 %>% nrow()

# And we get four rows after the join
df1 %>% inner_join_dt(df2, by = "x") %>% nrow()

# But only two rows actually match
df1 %>% semi_join_dt(df2, by = "x") %>% nrow()

Set operations

For set operations, wrap data.table's function directly, but the functions will automatically turn any data.frame into data.table. Examples are listed as below:

x = iris[c(2,3,3,4),]
x2 = iris[2:4,]
y = iris[c(3:5),]

intersect_dt(x, y)            # intersect
intersect_dt(x, y, all=TRUE)  # intersect all
setdiff_dt(x, y)              # except
setdiff_dt(x, y, all=TRUE)    # except all
union_dt(x, y)                # union
union_dt(x, y, all=TRUE)      # union all
setequal_dt(x, x2, all=FALSE) # setequal
setequal_dt(x, x2)     

For more details, just find the help from data.table using ?setops.

hope-data-science/tidyfst documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 8:05 p.m.