Man pages for houseofcommonslibrary/statxplorer
Download data from the DWP Stat-Xplore API

add_codes_for_fieldExtract the codes for a given field and add them to the given...
cachePackage cache environment
CACHE_API_KEYAPI key cache variable name
extract_items_dfExtract a dataframe of the item combinations represented in...
extract_resultsExtract the results of a query from the response json
fetch_tableSend a table query and return the results
get_api_keyGet the api key
has_api_keyCheck an api key has been set
load_api_keyLoad the api key from a file
request_tableSend an http request with a query and return the response
set_api_keySet the api key
statxplorerstatxplorer: Download data from the Stat-Xplore API
houseofcommonslibrary/statxplorer documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 12:14 a.m.