Man pages for hplieninger/ItemResponseTrees
IR-Tree Modeling in 'mirt', 'Mplus', or 'TAM'

augment.irtree_fitAugment data with information from an irtree_fit object
clpsWrapper Around Paste to Collapse a Character Vector
control_mirtControl aspects of fitting a model in mirt
control_mplusControl aspects of fitting a model in Mplus
control_tamControl aspects of fitting a model in TAM
extract_mirt_output-deprecatedRetrieve estimates from mirt.
extract_mplus_output-deprecatedRetrieve estimates From Mplus.
fit.irtree_modelFit an ItemResponseTrees model
glance.irtree_fitGlance at an irtree_fit object
irtree_create_templateCreate a template of a model string
irtree_fit_mirtFit an 'irtree_model' using mirt
irtree_fit_mplusFit an IR-Tree Model using Mplus
irtree_fit_tamFit an 'irtree_model' using TAM
irtree_gen_dataGenerate data
irtree_gen_pcmGenerate data from a partial credit model
irtree_gen_treeGenerate data from an IR-tree model
irtree_modelItemResponseTrees model syntax
irtree_recodeRecode data into pseudoitems
irtree_simRun a simulation by generating from and fitting an...
irtree_sim1Generate data from and fit an ItemResponseTrees model
ItemResponseTrees-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package *ItemResponseTrees*
ItemResponseTrees-packageIR-Tree Modeling in mirt, Mplus, or TAM
jacksonIPIP Big Five personality test answers (data set)
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rtruncatednormSample from a truncated normal distribution
tidy.irtree_fitTidy an irtree_fit object
write_mirt_inputPrepare a mirt model
write_mplus_inputPrepare an Mplus Input File
hplieninger/ItemResponseTrees documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 12:17 p.m.