Man pages for hputter/mstate
Data Preparation, Estimation and Prediction in Multi-State Models

aidssiData from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies on HIV infection and...
bmtBMT data from Klein and Moeschberger
crprep.defaultFunction to create weighted data set for competing risks...
CumincCalculate nonparametric cumulative incidence functions and...
cutLMmsCut a multi-state data set at a landmark time point
EBMT-cause-of-death-dataData from the European Society for Blood and Marrow...
EBMT-dataData from the European Society for Blood and Marrow...
EBMT-platelet-recovery-dataData from the European Society for Blood and Marrow...
EBMT-year-of-relapse-dataData from the European Society for Blood and Marrow...
ELOSExpected length of stay
etm2msdataConverts between etm and msdata format
eventsCount number of observed transitions
expand.covsExpand covariates in competing risks dataset in stacked...
expand.covs.msdataExpand covariates in multi-state dataset in long format
haz_functionHelper function that calculates excess and population hazards...
Liver-cirrhosis-dataAbnormal prothrombin levels in liver cirrhosis
LMAJLandmark Aalen-Johansen method
MarkovTestLog-rank based test for the validity of the Markov assumption
modify_transMatUpgrade the transMat object for the multi-state/relsurv...
msbootBootstrap function in multi-state models
msboot.relsurvBootstrap function for upgraded multi-state models using...
msboot.relsurv.bootDefault theta function used for msboot.relsurv
msdata2etmmsdata to etm format
msfitCompute subject-specific transition hazards with...
msfit.relsurvExtend a multi-state model using relative survival
msprepFunction to prepare dataset for multi-state modeling in long...
mssampleSample paths through a multi-state model
mstate-packageData preparation, estimation and prediction in multi-state...
pathsFind all possible trajectories through a given multi-state...
plot.CumincPlot method for Cuminc objects
plot.MarkovTestPlot method for a MarkovTest object
plot.msfitPlot method for an msfit object
plot.probtransPlot method for a probtrans object
print.MarkovTestPrint method for a MarkovTest object
print.msdataPrint method for a msdata object
print.summary.msfitPrint method for summary.msfit object
print.summary.probtransPrint method for a summary.probtrans object
probtransCompute subject-specific or overall transition probabilities...
redrankReduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks...
summary.CumincSummary method for a summary.Cuminc object
summary.msfitSummary method for an msfit object
summary.probtransSummary method for a probtrans object
trans2traConvert transition matrix from mstate to etm format
transhelpHelp functions for transition matrix
transMatDefine transition matrix for multi-state model
varHaz.fixedUpgrade the varHaz object
vis.mirror.ptMirror plot comparing two probtrans objects
vis.multiple.ptVisualise multiple probtrans objects
xsectMake a cross-section of multi-state data at a given time...
hputter/mstate documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 3:24 a.m.