print.summary.probtrans: Print method for a summary.probtrans object

View source: R/summary.probtrans.R

print.summary.probtransR Documentation

Print method for a summary.probtrans object


Print method for a summary.probtrans object


## S3 method for class 'summary.probtrans'
print(x, complete = FALSE, ...)



Object of class 'summary.probtrans', to be printed


Whether or not the complete estimated transition probabilities should be printed (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default is FALSE, in which case the estimated transition probilities will be printed for the first and last 6 time points of each starting state or of the selected times (or all when there are at most 12 of these time points


Further arguments to print


## Not run: 
# If all time points should be printed, specify complete=TRUE in the print statement
print(x, complete=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

hputter/mstate documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 3:24 a.m.