algo_api_key: Get or set ALGORITHMIA_API_KEY value

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References

View source: R/algo_api_key.r


The API wrapper functions in this package all rely on a Algorithmia API key residing in the environment variable ALGORITHMIA_API_KEY. The easiest way to accomplish this is to set it in the '.Renviron' file in your home directory.





Force setting a new Algorithmia API key for the current environment?


API requests are authenticated by a key which can be found and managed from your user profile. With every call to the API, the user must be authenticated. The API has a simple means to do this by passing in your key as an HTTP <e2><80><9c>Authorization<e2><80><9d> header with the request.

When you signed up for Algorithmia, a <e2><80><98>default-key<e2><80><99> was generated for your convenience. This is the key that is used throughout the example code within algorithm pages. For these examples to work correctly, this default key must exist with all the permissions, otherwise the usage examples may result in a 401 Unauthorized error.


atomic character vector containing the Algorithmia API key


hrbrmstr/algorithmia documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:55 p.m.