ddsecblog is a knitr output format for creating posts for Data Driven Security

After doing a devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ddsecblog") install, format posts like this in an Rmd file to generate an Rmd and figures you can move to the ddsec blog directory structure:

Title: RBerkeley Was Just Pining For the Fjords
Date: 2015-07-27
Tags: blog, r, rstats
Category: blog, r, rstats
Author: Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)
output: ddsecblog::post

This is some text.

print("this is some R code")
#> [1] "this is some R code"

This is *MOAR* text

plot(mtcars$wt, mtcars$mpg)


That was a _plot_.

hrbrmstr/ddsecblog documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:56 p.m.