Man pages for hrbrmstr/jwatr
Tools to Query and Create Web Archive Files Using the Java Web Archive Toolkit

close_warc_fileClose a WARC file
is_compressedTest if a raw vector gzip compressed
jwatrTools to Query and Create Web Archive Files Using the Java...
payload_contentHelper function to convert WARC raw headers+payload into...
read_warcRead a WARC file (compressed or uncompressed)
response_list_to_warc_fileTurns a list of 'httr' 'response' objects into a WARC file
warc_fileCreate a new WARC file
warc_GETWARC-ify an httr::GET request
warc_POSTWARC-ify an httr::GET request
warc_stream_inStream in records from a WARC file
warc_write_responseWrite simple 'httr::GET' requests or full 'httr' 'response'...
warc_write_warcinfoWrite a 'warcinfo' record to a WARC File
hrbrmstr/jwatr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:15 p.m.