
Tools to Aid in Debugging Issues Across R Sessions


(More SODD but this is useful IRL, too.)

Sometimes things work in one R session and not another. Eventually, this will be a package with a set of functions that help make easier to identify the reasons behind such things.

For now, it has one utility, an R script and/or function that can be run to — as non-invasively as possible — dump all salient info to a JSON or RDS file so they can be compared to each other.

Eventually, it will provide methods to perform comparisons across triage files.

It (on purpose) has minimal dependencies (methods, utils and jsonlite).


Ideas, feedback, issues, questions, features, PRs, etc are all welcome. Use GH issues for comms and ensure you document yourself in DESCRIPTION in PRs and identify how you’d like to be named in the DESCRIPTION if you file bug reports.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

What’s Inside The Tin

You can either:

source(system.file("scripts", "triage.R", package="triage"))

for automatic usage that creates and executes an anonymous function and doesn’t require any components of the package to be loaded, or use this function like so:


and have the flexibility of supplying parameters at the expense of a tiny bit of environment pollution.

The following bits are colected and — where possible — tidied:

NOTE: This is a dangerous function since the output may contain sensitive data, including, but not limited to, API keys or other credentials. Do not share carelessly.

Either the script or the function will shunt the collected info out to a file and return the filename via a message() so you know where to find it if you did not specify a filename on your own.

The following functions are implemented:





## Warning in triage::triage(): NOTE: The triage file may contain sensitive data in R data structures, including API keys.
## Review contents carefully before sharing.

## Triage data: [/var/folders/9g/ptzggj090rv89mwc7nrhhfhh0000gn/T//RtmpgM8CjY/triage_8ecb36c0c57a.json]

Use @timelyportfolio’s listviewer, RStudio’s new data viewer (use jsonlite::fromJSON() first) , jq or a text editor to review the JSON files (you can load the RDS files easily into R as well) until comparison functions are provided.

hrbrmstr/triage documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:05 p.m.