Man pages for hrbrmstr/vegalite
Tools to Encode Visualizations with the 'Grammar of Graphics'-Like 'Vega-Lite' 'Spec'

add_dataAdd data to a Vega-Lite spec
add_filterAdd a filter
axis_vlGeneral axis settings (all)
bin_vlGroup continuous data values (all)
calculateDerive new fields
capture_widgetCapture a static (png) version of a widget (e.g. for use in a...
config_colorColor config
config_fontFont config
config_opacityOpacity config
config_strokeStroke config
config_textText config
deprecated-cellDeprecated 'cell' functions
embed_specScaffold HTML/JavaScript/CSS code from 'vegalite'
encodeEncode all "channels"
filter_nullFilter 'null' values
from_specTake a JSON Vega-Lite Spec and render as an htmlwidget
JSMark character strings as literal JavaScript code
legend_vlLegend settings (all)
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
renderVegaliteWidget render function for use in Shiny
saveWidgetSave a widget to an HTML file
scale_vlVega-Lite Scales
sort_defCreate a sort definition object
timeunitHow to encode time values
to_specConvert a spec created with widget idioms to JSON
vegaliteCreate and (optionally) visualize a Vega-Lite spec
vegaliteOutputWidget output function for use in Shiny
vegalite-packageCreate Vega-Lite specs using htmlwidget idioms
view_configview aesthetics
hrbrmstr/vegalite documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:38 p.m.