zellingenach: -zell, -ingen, -ach

Description Details Author(s)


A package to (mostly) replicate Moritz Stefaner's inaugural 2016 post http://truth-and-beauty.net/experiments/ach-ingen-zell/


To see the maps, call display_maps()

Moritz's inaugural 2016 post is a visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names.

He picked the most interesting suffixes from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ortsname and cross-referenced them with a list of place names from geonames. (Note: The approach is not 100 the end of the string, not actual syllables.)

He did his in javascript (http://github.com/moritzstefaner/ach-ingen-zell).


Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)

hrbrmstr/zellingenach documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:54 p.m.