knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

This markdown file contains the code used to produce all plots and conduct all statistical analysis contained within the report.


First load the important packages.


Next, install and load the higgsboson package.


Access the data included in the package. First load the data used to train the models.

train <- higgsboson::training

Put the data in the format required for training:

df_train <- train[,2:33] #remove eventid
df_train <- df_train[,-31] #remove weights

df_train$Label <- ifelse(df_train$Label=="s",1,0) #encode "s" and "b" to 1 - 0 (resp.) 
df_train$Label <- as.factor(df_train$Label) #need this as factor for caret package

Use the reweight function to normalise the weights (use ??reweight to see function help). Ns() and Nb() are hardcoded values of $N_s$ and $N_b$ for the higgsboson dataset (see 'Problem Formulation' section of report for explanation of these values).

weights <- reweight(train$Weight, df_train$Label, Ns(), Nb()) 

Set all missing values equal to zero.

df_train[df_train==-999] <- 0

To get a standardised data set st_train, run the following.

st_train <- df_train
st_train <-[,1:30])) 
st_train["Label"] <- df_train$Label

Weighted Logistic Regression with custom AMS metric

The mlr package allows the use of custom metrics. First, define the classification task and make the logistic learner

trainTask <- makeClassifTask(data = st_train,
                             target = "Label",
                             positive = 1,
                             weights = weights

logistic.learner <- makeLearner("classif.logreg", predict.type = "response")

Use the custom AMS measure created in the higgsboson package AMS_measure() to conduct cross-validation on fitting the weighted logistic regression (WLR). This gives us an idea of the AMS we can expect to get from a test set.

AMS_mlr <- AMS_measure()
cv.logistic <- crossval(learner = logistic.learner, task = trainTask, iters = 5,
                        stratify = TRUE,
                        measures = AMS_mlr,
               = F, models=TRUE)

Now, we fit a WLR model using the whole training data set and check how it performs on the test data.

train_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)

fmodel <- caret::train(Label ~ .,
                       data = st_train,
                       trControl = train_control,
                       method = "glm",
                       weights = weights,

test <- higgsboson::test

df_test <- test[,2:33] #remove eventid
df_test <- df_test[,-31] #remove weights
df_test$Label <- ifelse(df_test$Label=="s",1,0) #encode "s" and "b" to 1 - 0 (resp.) for logistic regresion
df_test$Label <- as.factor(df_test$Label) #need this as factor for caret
# set misssing values to 0 and standardise data
df_test[df_test==-999] <- 0
st_test <-[,1:30]))
st_test$Label <- df_test$Label

weights_test <- reweight(test$Weight, st_test$Label, Ns(), Nb()) # extract weights

truth <- st_test$Label
response <- predict(fmodel, newdata = st_test[,-length(st_test)])

AMS_weighted(truth, response, weights_test) 

Two-stage maximisation

Below is the code for conducting the two-stage maximisation of the AMS.

First we create a training/validation split of the training data that preserves the overall class distribution.

trainIndex <- createDataPartition(st_train$Label, p = .8, list = FALSE, times = 1)

Train <- st_train[ trainIndex,]
Valid  <- st_train[-trainIndex,]

We then fit a WLR model using the new training set Train, before visualising how the AMS varies with threshold theta. This informs the users decision of how to set the parameters theta_0 and theta_1 in the function threshold_CV in the higgsboson package (use ??threshold_CV for help on this function). We can see that the peak definitely occurs in the range 0 to 0.1.

weights_Train <- reweight(weights[trainIndex], Train$Label, Ns(), Nb())
weights_Valid <- reweight(weights[-trainIndex], Valid$Label, Ns(), Nb())

logreg_weighted2 <- caret::train(Label ~ .,
                       data = Train,
                       method = "glm",
                       weights = weights_Train,

#Plot AMS for different values of threshold theta
theta_vals <-, 0.5, length.out=500)) # generate small sample thresholds theta
AMS_vals <- apply(theta_vals, 1, AMS(logreg_weighted2,Valid[,1:30],Valid[31], weights_Valid)) #compute AMS(theta)
plot(as.array(unlist(theta_vals)), AMS_vals, xlab="theta", ylab="AMS(theta)", pch=19) #plot it

Now, using the plot above, we can set theta_0 = 0.0001 and theta_1=0.1 in the threshold_CV function.

theta_CV <- threshold_CV(st_train, st_train$Label, weights, theta_0=0.0001, theta_1=0.1, n=100)

We can now use the threshold found in the cross-validation to find our predictions on the test set and the resulting AMS.

theta <- theta_CV$max_theta

probabilities <- predict(logreg_weighted2$finalModel, st_test[,1:30], type = "response")

predicted.classes <- ifelse(probabilities > theta, 1, 0)

Label_valid <-  as.array(unlist(st_test[,31]))
Label_valid <- as.numeric(levels(Label_valid))[Label_valid] #convert from factor to numeric

AMS_weighted(Label_valid, predicted.classes, weights_test)

Principal-Component Analysis

Alternatively, we can perform PCA on the data set before fitting a model and tuning the threshold. This will reduce the dimension of the data set, improving the speed of the function and, hopefully, reduce any overfitting of the more complicated model.

train.pca <- prcomp(st_train[,1:30])
screeplot(train.pca, type="lines")

We can see that the first two PCA's account for the majority of the vaiance, but we shall keep the first three as a precaution.

st_train_dimred <- data.frame("PCA1"=train.pca$x[,1],"PCA2"=train.pca$x[,2],"PCA3"=train.pca$x[,3])
st_train_dimred["Label"] <- st_train$Label

Now, we can perform the first stage of the two-stage procedure as above.

trainIndex <- createDataPartition(st_train_dimred$Label, p = .8,
                                  list = FALSE,
                                  times = 1)

Train <- st_train_dimred[ trainIndex,]
Valid  <- st_train_dimred[-trainIndex,]

weights_Train <- reweight(weights[trainIndex], Train$Label, Ns(), Nb())
weights_Valid <- reweight(weights[-trainIndex], Valid$Label, Ns(), Nb())

logreg_weighted_pca <- caret::train(Label ~ .,
                                    data = Train,
                                    method = "glm",
                                    weights = weights_Train,

Now we can plot the AMS for varying values of the threshold theta.

theta_vals <-, 0.05, length.out=500)) # generate small sample thresholds theta
AMS_vals <- apply(theta_vals, 1, AMS(logreg_weighted_pca,Valid[,1:3],Valid[4], weights_Valid)) #compute AMS(theta)
plot(as.array(unlist(theta_vals)), AMS_vals, xlab="theta", ylab="AMS(theta)", pch=19) #plot it

max_theta <- theta_vals[which.max(AMS_vals),1]
max_AMS <- AMS_vals[which.max(AMS_vals)]

We can see that the peak occurs between very small values of theta, hence we try theta_0=0.0001 and theta_1=0.006 in the threshold_CV function.

theta_CV <- threshold_CV(st_train_dimred[,1:3], st_train_dimred$Label, weights=weights, theta_0=0.0001, theta_1=0.006, k=5, n=100)
theta_CV  #less variance, both of theta and of AMS

Finally, we can now use the threshold found in the cross-validation to find our predictions on the test set and the resulting AMS.

theta <- theta_CV$max_theta

probabilities <- predict(logreg_weighted2$finalModel, st_test[,1:30], type = "response")

predicted.classes <- ifelse(probabilities > theta, 1, 0)

Label_valid <-  as.array(unlist(st_test[,31]))
Label_valid <- as.numeric(levels(Label_valid))[Label_valid] #convert from factor to numeric

AMS_weighted(Label_valid, predicted.classes, weights_test)

hsansford1/higgsboson documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 4:34 a.m.