
An educational tool for classrooms where coding is being taught.

This tool allows easy sharing of code between students and teachers, on the fly, via a common sftp account.

It is assumed that an sftp server has been set up and you know its URL, sftp login name, and password.

On a Mac, sftp is likely to not be supported in curl, and hence RCurl. To fix this, run "terminal", create a new directory and change in to it, then download the "install" script, e.g., with

curl -o install

Then run the script using:

bash install

To install run (in R/RStudio, as an administrator):



First time usage (in R/RStudio, as an administrator):


sftpSetup() # Then enter URL, login name, sftp login name, and username

The username is any unique string that can be a directory name, e.g., the basename of the students unique assigned University email name.

General usage (in R/Rstudio)

pull("ex1.R") # Student gets copy of the instructor's "ex1.R"

push("ex2.R") # Student uploads their own copy of "ex2.R"

Instructions for creating the package on a clone of this git, starting in the folder above "pushPull" at a command prompt:

R -e 'setwd("pushPull");library(devtools);document()'

R CMD build pushPull

R CMD check pushPull_x.x.x.tar.gz

Substitute the current version information in the "check".

The new package will be in the new tar.gz file. Copy it to the pushPull folder.

hseltman/pushPull documentation built on May 15, 2019, noon