checkEstimable: Check Whether One or More Parameter Combinations in a gnm...

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checkEstimableR Documentation

Check Whether One or More Parameter Combinations in a gnm Model are Identified


For each of a specified set of linear combinations of parameters from a gnm model, checks numerically whether the combination's estimate is invariant to re-parameterization of the model.


checkEstimable(model, combMatrix = diag(length(coef(model))),
               tolerance = NULL)



a model object of class "gnm"


numeric: either a vector of length the same as length(coef(model)), or a matrix with that number of rows. Coefficients of one or more linear combinations of the model's parameters.


numeric: a threshold value for detection of non-estimability. If NULL, the default value of the tol argument to rankMatrix is used.


A logical vector of length equal to the number of parameter combinations tested; NA where a parameter combination is identically zero.


David Firth and Heather Turner


Catchpole, E.A. and Morgan, B.J.T. (1997). Detecting parameter redundancy. Biometrika, 84, 187–196.

See Also

gnm, se.gnm, getContrasts



## Fit the "UNIDIFF" mobility model across education levels
unidiff <- gnm(Freq ~ educ*orig + educ*dest +
               Mult(Exp(educ), orig:dest), family = poisson,
               data = yaish, subset = (dest != 7))

## Check whether multiplier contrast educ4 - educ5 is estimable
ofInterest(unidiff) <- pickCoef(unidiff, "[.]educ")
mycontrast <- numeric(length(coef(unidiff)))
mycontrast[ofInterest(unidiff)[4:5]] <- c(1, -1)
checkEstimable(unidiff, mycontrast)
## should be TRUE

## Check whether multiplier educ4 itself is estimable
mycontrast[ofInterest(unidiff)[5]] <- 0
checkEstimable(unidiff, mycontrast)
## should be FALSE -- only *differences* are identified here

hturner/gnm documentation built on Sept. 17, 2023, 2:27 p.m.