Man pages for huerqiang/prioGene
Candidate Gene Prioritization for Non-Communicable Diseases Based on Functional Information

deal_netTitle deal with network
dise_genea vector of disease related genes
edge_weightweights of edges of a net
genes_mata one-to-many matrix of GO term and gene
get_edge_weightTitle weight edge
get_gene_matGet a one-to-many matrix of gene and GO term
get_neighborTitle get neighbor of a node
get_net_disease_termTitle Get the GO terms for each pair of nodes in the network
get_node_weightTitle weight node
get_QTitle get the disease risk transition probability matrix
get_RTitle get the final genetic disease risk scores
get_R_0Title get the vector of initial disease risk scores for all...
get_term_matGet a one-to-many matrix of GO term and gene
metabolic_neta matrix, Human metabolic network
neta network of genes
net_diseasea network of disease related genes
net_disease_termGO terms for each pair of nodes in the network
node_weighta matrix, genes and their weights
R_0the vector of initial disease risk scores for all genes
terms_mata matrix, GO terms and GO genes
huerqiang/prioGene documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 3:40 p.m.