API for hughesevoanth/glsmr
GAM and linear stratified observational and MR estimates of exposure on outcome

Global functions
cluster_profiles Man page Source code
gam_predict Man page Source code
gamfit Man page Source code
glsmr Man page Source code
id_outliers Man page Source code
iv_estimates Man page Source code
iv_free_exposure Man page Source code
iv_predicted_exposure Man page Source code
ivregfit Man page Source code
lmfit Man page Source code
meta_test Man page Source code
non_linear_test Man page Source code
normW Man page Source code
obs_modeling Man page Source code
plot_cluster_profiles Man page Source code
plot_glsmr Man page Source code
rntransform Man page Source code
stratify_data Man page Source code
stratify_ivratio Man page Source code
stratify_ivregfit Man page Source code
stratify_lmfit Man page Source code
stratify_sumstats Man page Source code
hughesevoanth/glsmr documentation built on May 14, 2023, 3:41 p.m.