
Defines functions iv_estimates

Documented in iv_estimates

#' linear model fitting to estimate the instrument on dependent effect coefficient (beta_ie) and the proportion of variance explained (eta-squared) in dependent by instrument
#' This function estimates the instrument on dependent effect coefficient (beta) and the proportion of variance explained (eta-squared) in dependent by instrument
#' @keywords linear model
#' @param wdata a data frame passed to function containing necessary data for analysis
#' @param dependent a single string character of the column name for the dependent or response (y) variable.
#' @param instrument a single string character of the column name for the instrument, which will be set as the independent or explanatory variable in the model.
#' @param covariates a character vector that are also column names used to define variables that will be set as covariates.
#' @return returns a lmfit object that is a list containing (1) 'fit' a lm() object and (2) 'summary' a vector of summary statistics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iv_estimates()
iv_estimates = function( wdata, dependent, instrument, covariates){

  wdata = na.omit(wdata)
  ### I. Estimate Variance Explained
  ###    Instrument on dependent
  u_form = formula(paste0(dependent, " ~ ", instrument ))
  u_mod = lm(u_form, data = wdata)
  s = summary(u_mod)
  VarExp = s$r.squared; names(VarExp) = c("univariate_varexp")

  ### II. Linear model
  if( length(na.omit(covariates))>0 ){
    form = formula(paste0(dependent, " ~ ", paste0( covariates, collapse = " + ") , " + ", instrument ))
  } else {
    form = formula(paste0(dependent, " ~ ", instrument ))

  mod = lm(form, data = wdata)

  ## sample size in model
  res = residuals(mod)
  mod_n = length(res); names(mod_n) = "n"

  ## normality of residuals
  W = normW(res)

  ### effect estimates
  s = summary(mod)
  coef = s$coefficients[instrument, c(1,2,4) ]; names(coef) = c("beta","se","P")
  ### variance explained by model
  rsq = s$r.squared; names(rsq) = c("rsq")
  ### variance explained by instrument
  a = anova(mod)
  eta_sq = a[,2]/sum(a[,2]); names(eta_sq) = rownames(a)
  etasq = eta_sq[instrument]; names(etasq) = c("etasq")

  ## V. Exposure summary stats
  ex = mod$model[, instrument]
  n = length(ex)
  mean = mean(ex)
  min = min(ex)
  max = max(ex)
  sd = sd(ex)
  exposure_stats = c(n, mean, min, max, sd)
  names(exposure_stats) = paste0("exposure_", c("n","mean","min","max","sd") )

  ## V. Outcome summary stats
  ex = mod$model[, dependent]
  n = length(ex)
  mean = mean(ex)
  min = min(ex)
  max = max(ex)
  sd = sd(ex)
  outcome_stats = c(n, mean, min, max, sd)
  names(outcome_stats) = paste0("outcome_", c("n","mean","min","max","sd") )

  ## V. Return to user
  out = c(mod_n, W, rsq, etasq, coef, VarExp, exposure_stats, outcome_stats)

  ## V. Return to user
hughesevoanth/glsmr documentation built on May 14, 2023, 3:41 p.m.