
context("Check hugo_train_model() function")

#test_that('hugo_start_investigation() has been executed', {
#  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = iris[1:80,], formula = "Species~."), 'Call hugo_start_investigation\\(\\) for starting the new investigation.')


test_that('Function takes arguments', {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = NULL, formula = NULL), "There are no objects to training.")

test_that('The function takes arguments - data', {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(formula = "Species~.", data = NULL), "There is no data to training models.")

test_that('The function takes arguments - formula', {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = iris, formula = NULL), "There is no formula to training models.")

test_that("Argument 'data' is not a data.frame", {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = as.matrix(iris[1:80,]), formula = "Species~."), "Data is not a data.frame.")

test_that("Argumnet 'formula' is incorrect", {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = iris[1:80,], formula = "Species + Sepal.Length"), "The formula is incorrect.")

test_that("Argument 'formula' is not a formula", {
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = iris, formula = "Species."), "The formula is incorrect.")

test_that("Response variable has more than two classes",{
  expect_error(hugo_train_model(data = iris, formula = "Species~."), "Response variable has more than two classes. Incorrect data to binary classification.")

#test_that('There is a memory subdirectory after training models.', {
#  hugo_train_model(iris[1:80,], "Species~.")
#  expect_true('models' %in% list.files('./hugo_test'))
#  expect_true("glm_model.rda" %in% list.files("./hugo_test/models"))
#  expect_true("randomforest_model.rda" %in% list.files("./hugo_test/models"))
#  expect_true("gbm_model.rda" %in% list.files("./hugo_test/models"))

unlink("hugo_test", recursive=TRUE)
hugo4r/hugo documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:05 p.m.