Man pages for hummelma/GlobalAncova
Global test for groups of variables via model comparisons

bindataSimulated binary data
colon.normalGene expression data
colon.phenoCovariate information for the colon data
colon.tumourGene expression data
GAhier-classClass '"GAhier"'
genesettestingGene set testing of gene set databases using GlobalAncova
gGlobalAncovaGeneralized GlobalAncova group test
gGlobalAncova.hierarchicalHierarchical testing procedure using generalized GlobalAncova
GlobalAncovaGlobal test for differential gene expression
GlobalAncova.closedClosed testing procedure for testing several groups of genes...
GlobalAncova.closed-methodsMethods for Function GlobalAncova.closed
GlobalAncova.decompGlobalAncova with sequential and type III sum of squares...
GlobalAncova-methodsMethods for Function GlobalAncova
pair.comparePairwise comparisons of factor levels within GlobalAncova
pathwaysCancer related pathways
phenodataCovariate information for the van t'Veer data
Plot.allCombined visualization of sequential decomposition and...
Plot.featuresFeatures Plot for generalized Global Ancova
Plot.genesGenes Plot for Global Ancova
Plot.genes-methodsMethods for Function Plot.genes
Plot.sequentialVisualization of sequential decomposition
Plot.subjectsSubjects Plot for GlobalAncova
Plot.subjects-methodsMethods for Function Plot.subjects
vantVeerGene expression data
hummelma/GlobalAncova documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 8:25 a.m.