

test_that("randomGraph generates random graphs", {
    g <- randomGraph()

test_that("randomGraph stops for invalid values of k", {
    expect_error(randomGraph(4,5), "The graph degree must not exceed #N-1")
    expect_error(randomGraph(4,1), "The graph degree k must be >=")

test_that("randomGraph works for large valid values of k", {
    expect_equal(length(E(randomGraph(4,3))), 6)
    expect_equal(length(E(randomGraph(4,2.5))), 5)

test_that("randomGraph works for small valid values of k", {
    expect_equal(length(E(randomGraph(10,1.8))), 9)

test_that("randomGraph does produce a graph with a single cluster", {
    set.seed(53569) # this was found by brute-force - turns out these cases are *very* rare!
    g <- randomGraph(8,2*7/8)
    expect_equal(no.clusters(g), 1)
huoston/shortestpath documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:18 a.m.