Man pages for hvillalo/echogram
Echogram Visualisation and Analysis

add.echogramAdd two echograms
bottom.hacRead detected bottom range from an HAC file
convertAnglesConvert alongship and athwartship split beam angles
convertPowerConvert Received Power to Sv or TS
dgTimeGet datagram time from imported EK* raw files
echogramEchogram visualisation
echo.noiseSample echogram data (120 kHz)
ek2echogramConvert EK60 data to echogram
get_CON0Get CON0 datagram from EK60 raw files
get_dgIdxGet datagram indices from EK* raw files
get_NME0Get NME0 datagrams from imported EK* raw files
get_RAW0Get RAW0 datagrams from imported EK60 raw files
join.echogramMerge echograms
mask.echogramMask an echogram
match.echogramMatch ping times from two echograms
mergeSvmatMerge inequal Sv data matrices
navigation.hacCompute bearing, navigated distance and speed
noise.echogramModelling ambient noise in echograms
palette.echogramDesign color palettes for echograms
parse.nmeaParse NMEA sentences
position.hacRead geographic position data from an HAC file
read.echogramRead echogram data from an HAC file
read.EK60_rawRead raw files from Simrad EK60 scientific echosounders
read.EK_botRead bot files from Simrad EK60 echosounder
read.EK_idxRead idx files from Simrad EK* echosounders
read.EK_rawRead EK* raw files from Simrad echosounders
sample.echogramSelect and sample data values from an echogram
sampleRangeDetermine acoustic samples depth range
trim.echogramTrim an echogram vertically or horizontally
xcvrConfExtract transceiver configuration from EK60 raw files
hvillalo/echogram documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 7:28 a.m.