Man pages for hydrocodes/hydRopclim

hydrochangehydrochange: Hydroclimatic change analysis at annual time...
hydrochange2hydrochange2: Hydroclimatic change analysis at annual time...
hydroclusterhydrocluster: K-means clustering of stations hydroclimatic...
indexcorrlindexcorrl: Hydroclimatic indexes running correlation
pgridcorrpgridcorr: Correcting precipitation grid
rindexrindex: Estimation of runoff index in an ungauged basin
seasavgseasavg: Calculation of seasonal average vector index for a...
seasavg2seasavg2: Calculation of seasonal average matrix indexes for...
seassumseassum: Calculation of seasonal sum matrix indexes for a...
tgridcorrtgridcorr: Correcting temperature grid
zscoremzscorem: Transformation of monthly m-hydroclimatic variables...
hydrocodes/hydRopclim documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 9:27 p.m.