riversCentralAsia 1.1.0

cleaning up of the package functions and documentation - release

riversCentralAsia 0.4.1.

Added import function of iEasyHydro .csv files

riversCentralAsia 0.4

with numerous additions and improvements. The following new functions are available:

riversCentralAsia 0.3

with several new functions that facilitate a) ERA5 data handling, bias correction, donwscaling, etc., b) prepare data for the stochastic weather generator RMAWGEN and c) handle importing and exporting files to the hydrological-hydraulic RS MINERVE model.

riversCentralAsia 0.2.2

riversCentralAsia 0.2

Release 0.2 include various improvements.

riversCentralAsia 0.1.3

riversCentralAsia 0.1.2

riversCentralAsia 0.1.1



riversCentralAsia 0.1.0

Initial Release

hydrosolutions/riversCentralAsia documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 4:50 p.m.