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  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


The goal of scspatstat is to convert spatstat data structures to a generic common form that that can be used for conversion a wide variety of data structures.

This is work in progress and at a very early stage. More to come.


This is a basic example showing the component decomposition of a spatstat point pattern.

data("chorley", package = "")
sc_object(chorley) %>% slice(2L)

data("nbfires", package= "")

print(sc_coord(spatstat::as.owin(nbfires)), n = 5)

With these three components working sc_coord, sc_object and sc_path, and using the framework in sc, the parent package can use these in generic form. We can already convert to PATH and then on to other models for these polygonal forms in spatstat.

str(nbfires_path <- silicate::PATH(spatstat::as.owin(nbfires)))


(Note that owin is supported only on its own, and points ppp and line segments psp are supported separately. We need a way to intermingle structured "windows" and the underlying patterns, but for now I consider that a higher specialization than silicate itself.

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hypertidy/scspatstat documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:14 p.m.