Man pages for hyunjimoon/SBC
Simulation Based Calibration for rstan/cmdstanr models

bind_datasetsCombine multiple datasets together.
bind_derived_quantitiesCombine two lists of derived quantities
bind_generated_quantities-deprecatedCombine two lists of derived quantities
bind_globalsCombine two sets globals for use in derived quantities or...
bind_resultsCombine multiple SBC results together.
brms_full_ppredFull forward sampling of a the response of brms fit,...
brms_response_sequenceDetermine the response sequence of brms model
calculate_prior_sdCalculate prior standard deviation of a dataset
calculate_ranks_draws_matrixCalculate ranks given variable values within a posterior...
check_all_SBC_diagnosticsCheck diagnostics and issue warnings when those fail.
cjs_distCumulative Jensen-Shannon divergence
combine_argsCombine two named lists and overwrite elements with the same...
combine-functionsHelper functions to be passed to ECDF-plots to combine...
compute_dquantsCompute derived quantities based on given data and posterior...
compute_gen_quants-deprecatedCompute derived quantities based on given data and posterior...
compute_results-deprecatedCompute SBC results
compute_SBCFit datasets and evaluate diagnostics and SBC metrics.
data_for_ecdf_plotsMaybe not export in the end? Useful for debugging
default_chunk_sizeDetermines the default chunk size.
default_cores_per_fitDetermines the default cores per single fit.
derived_quantitiesCreate a definition of derived quantities evaluated in R.
ECDF-plotsPlot the ECDF-based plots.
empirical_coverageCompute observed coverage of posterior credible intervals.
generate_datasetsGenerate datasets.
generated_quantities-deprecatedCreate a definition of derived quantities evaluated in R.
get_diagnostic_messagesGet diagnostic messages for 'SBC_results' or other objects.
guess_rank_hist_binsGuess the number of bins for 'plot_rank_hist()'.
max_diffMax difference between binned samples with the same length
plot_contractionPrior/posterior contraction plot.
plot_coveragePlot the observed coverage and its uncertainty.
plot_rank_histPlot rank histogram of an SBC results.
plot_sim_estimatedPlot the simulated "true" values versus posterior estimates
rank2unifDistance between binned draws (rank for SBC) and discrete...
rdunifDiscrete uniform distribution allowing for varying lower and...
recompute_SBC_statisticsRecompute SBC statistics without refitting models.
recompute_statistics-deprecatedRecompute SBC statistics without refitting models.
SBC_backend_brmsBuild a backend based on the 'brms' package.
SBC_backend_brms_from_generatorBuild a brms backend, reusing the compiled model from a...
SBC_backend_cmdstan_sampleBackend based on sampling via 'cmdstanr'.
SBC_backend_cmdstan_variationalBackend based on variational approximation via 'cmdstanr'.
SBC_backend_default_thin_ranksS3 generic to get backend-specific default thinning for rank...
SBC_backend_hash_for_cacheGet hash used to identify cached results.
SBC_backend_iid_drawsS3 generic to let backends signal that they produced...
SBC_backend_mockA mock backend.
SBC_backend_rjagsCreate a JAGS backend using 'rjags'
SBC_backend_rstan_optimizingSBC backend using the 'optimizing' method from 'rstan'.
SBC_backend_rstan_sampleSBC backend using the 'sampling' method from 'rstan'.
SBC_datasetsCreate new 'SBC_datasets' object.
SBC-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'SBC'.
SBC_example_backendConstruct a backend to be used in the examples.
SBC_example_generatorConstruct a generator used in the examples.
SBC_example_resultsCombine an example backend with an example generator to...
SBC_fitS3 generic using backend to fit a model to data.
SBC_fit_to_diagnosticsS3 generic to get backend-specific diagnostics.
SBC_fit_to_draws_matrixS3 generic converting a fitted model to a 'draws_matrix'...
SBC_generator_brmsCreate a brms generator.
SBC_generator_customWrap a function the creates a complete dataset.
SBC_generator_functionGenerate datasets via a function that creates a single...
SBC_print_example_modelPrint the Stan code of a model used in the examples.
SBC_resultsCreate an 'SBC_results' object
SBC_statistics_from_single_fitRecompute SBC statistics given a single fit.
set2setSummarize relational property of overall prior and posterior...
sub-.SBC_datasetsSubset an 'SBC_datasets' object.
sub-.SBC_resultsSubset the results.
validate_derived_quantitiesValidate a definition of derived quantities evaluated in R.
wassersteinwasserstein distance between binned samples
hyunjimoon/SBC documentation built on March 15, 2024, 3:18 a.m.