Man pages for iamamutt/SRE
Supplementary Materials

aq_standardizeRescale AQ score given specific mean and variance
import_sreImport SRE dataset
loo_tabletable of LOO comparisons
merge_data_and_posteriorMerge posterior predictions with data
pairwiseAll pairwise combinations
pipePipe operator
pooled_sdHedges G
posterior_aq_action_contrastsUnivariate form with renamed variables
pval_formatstring format p-value cutoffs
rev_unit_scaleReverse unit scaling
SRESelf-Recognition Experiment (SRE) dataset
sre_modelsLoad SRE models into global workspace
SRE-packageSelf-Recognition Experiment (SRE)
stanreg_dtblGet model data from stanreg
unit_scaleScale a numeric vector
iamamutt/SRE documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:12 a.m.