
#' Sentencing Data
#' The sentencing data presented in this report reflects the judgment imposed by the court on people that have been found guilty.
#' Each row represents a charge that has been sentenced.
#' @format The data frame \code{sentencing} has 4,329 rows and 39 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{case_id}{Internal unique identifier for each case}
#'   \item{case_participant_id}{Internal unique identifier for each person associated with a case}
#'   \item{offense_category}{Broad offense categories before specific charges are filed on a case}
#'   \item{primary_charge}{A flag for the top charge, usually the way the case is referred to}
#'   \item{charge_id}{Internal unique identifier for each charge filed}
#'   \item{charge_version_id}{Internal unique identifier for each version of a charge associated with charges filed}
#'   \item{disposition_charged_offense_title}{The specific title of the charged offense}
#'   \item{disposition_charged_chapter}{The legal chapter for the charge}
#'   \item{disposition_charged_act}{The legal act for the charge}
#'   \item{disposition_charged_section}{The legal section for the charge}
#'   \item{disposition_charged_class}{The legal class for the charge}
#'   \item{disposition_aoic}{Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts ID for law of the charge}
#'   \item{disposition_date}{The date the charge was disposed of}
#'   \item{charge_disposition}{The result of the charge}
#'   \item{charge_disposition_reason}{Additional information about the result of the charge}
#'   \item{sentence_phase}{Sentencing phase explains when this version of the sentence was created}
#'   \item{sentence_date}{Date of when the charge was sentenced}
#'   \item{sentence_judge}{Judge who oversaw the sentencing}
#'   \item{sentence_type}{A broad type of sentence issued}
#'   \item{current_sentence}{This is a flag which row represents a current sentence}
#'   \item{commitment_type}{A more specific type of sentence issued}
#'   \item{commitment_term}{The number associated with the sentence (use this with commitment_unit to understand length of sentence)}
#'   \item{commitment_unit}{The unit associated with the sentence (use this with commitment_term to understand length of sentence)}
#'   \item{court_name}{The Circuit Court District the charge was disposed of in}
#'   \item{court_facility}{The courthouse the charge was disposed of in}
#'   \item{length_of_case_in_days}{Number of days between a charge being arraigned and a charge being sentenced}
#'   \item{age_at_incident}{Recorded age at the time of the incident}
#'   \item{gender}{Recorded gender of the defendant }
#'   \item{race}{Recorded race of the defendant}
#'   \item{incident_begin_date}{Date of when the incident began}
#'   \item{incident_end_date}{Date of when the incident ended (this will be blank for incidents that did not go more than one day)}
#'   \item{arrest_date}{Date and time of arrest}
#'   \item{law_enforcement_agency}{Law enforcement agency associated with the arrest}
#'   \item{unit}{The law enforcement unit associated with the arrest}
#'   \item{incident_city}{The city where the incident took place}
#'   \item{received_date}{Date when felony review received the case}
#'   \item{arraignment_date}{Date of the arraignment}
#'   \item{update_offense_category}{This field is the offense category for the case updated based upon the top charge for the primary offender. It can differ from the first offense category assigned to the case in part because cases evolve.}
#'   \item{charge_count}{The charge count of the charged offense}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov/Courts/Sentencing/tg8v-tm6u}
#' @seealso  \code{\link{intake}} \code{\link{initiation}} \code{\link{dispositions}}
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @examples
#' str(sentencing)
ian-flores/chicagoDA documentation built on Dec. 28, 2019, 7:03 p.m.