
This library provides an easy way to use the statistics discussed in Sagarin, Ambler, and Lee's (2014, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9, 293-304) "An Ethical Approach to Peeking at Data". See




Library by Ian Hussey (

All the real, hard work (conceptualisation of paugmented, writing of functions, original article) by Brad J. Sagarin (, James K. Ambler, and Ellen M. Lee.

Abstract from the original article

"When data analyses produce encouraging but nonsignificant results, researchers often respond by collecting more data. This may transform a disappointing dataset into a publishable study, but it does so at the cost of increasing the Type I error rate. How big of a problem is this, and what can we do about it? To answer the first question, we estimate the Type I error inflation based on the initial sample size, the number of participants used to augment the dataset, the critical value for determining significance (typically .05), and the maximum p value within the initial sample such that the dataset would be augmented. With one round of augmentation, Type I error inflation maximizes at .0975 with typical values from .0564 to .0883. To answer the second question, we review methods of adjusting the critical value to allow augmentation while maintaining p < .05, but we note that such methods must be applied a priori. For the common occurrence of post-hoc dataset augmentation, we develop a new statistic, paugmented, that represents the magnitude of the resulting Type I error inflation. We argue that the disclosure of post-hoc dataset augmentation via p augmented elevates such augmentation from a questionable research practice to an ethical research decision."

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ianhussey/ethicalpeeking documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:28 a.m.