
spp_taxonconcept() defaults work


  -- General info - CITES ($general): --------------------------------------------
  # A tibble: 1 x 8
    id    full_name       autho~1 rank  name_~2 updated_at          active cites~3
  * <chr> <chr>           <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <dttm>              <lgl>  <chr>  
  1 4521  Loxodonta afri~ (Blume~ SPEC~ A       2022-10-25 10:29:30 TRUE   I/II   
  # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: author_year, 2: name_status,
  #   3: cites_listing

  -- Classification ($higher_taxa): ----------------------------------------------
  # A tibble: 1 x 6
    id    kingdom  phylum   class    order       family      
    <chr> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>       <chr>       
  1 4521  Animalia Chordata Mammalia Proboscidea Elephantidae

  -- Synonyms ($synonyms): -------------------------------------------------------
  # A tibble: 1 x 4
       id full_name          author_year      rank   
    <int> <chr>              <chr>            <chr>  
  1 37069 Loxodonta cyclotis (Matschie, 1900) SPECIES

  -- Common names ($common_names): -----------------------------------------------
  # A tibble: 52 x 3
        id name              language
     <int> <chr>             <chr>   
   1  4521 slon africký      SK      
   2  4521 afriški slon      SL      
   3  4521 Ndovo             SW      
   4  4521 Tembo             SW      
   5  4521 Haathi            UR      
   6  4521 Elefante          PT      
   7  4521 Elefante-africano PT      
   8  4521 Słoń afrykański   PL      
   9  4521 Slon              RU      
  10  4521 Elefant           NO      
  # ... with 42 more rows

  Information available: $all_id, $general, $higher_taxa, $accepted_names, $common_names, $synonyms, $cites_listings

ibartomeus/citesr documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 6:16 a.m.