Man pages for ices-tools-prod/icesFO
Functions to support the creation of ICES Fisheries Overviews

CLD_trendsCatch, discards, and landings by stock
compute_technical_interactionsCompute a matrix of technical interactions.
format_annex_tableFormat the SAG status data for its use as an annex table.
format_catchesFormat the data from the time-series of ICES historical,...
format_sagFormat the data from the ICES Stock Assessment Database.
format_sag_statusFormat the stock status data as is in the ICES Stock...
format_sidFormat the data from the ICES Stock Information Database.
format_stecfFormat the data from STECF effort and landings
guild_trendsWrangling of format_sag output
icesFO-packageFunctions to support the creation of ICES Fisheries Overviews
load_areasDownload ICES areas polygons
load_asfis_speciesDownload ASFIS Species list from FAO.
load_catchesDownload catch data from ICES web services.
load_ecoregionDownload ecoregion polygons
load_sagDownload data from the ICES Stock Assessment database.
load_sidDownload data from the ICES Stock Information Database.
load_statrec2ecoregionsDownload a statistical rectangles mapped to ecoregion
plot_catch_trendsReturns an ordered plot of catch bars colored according to...
plot_CLD_barReturns an ordered plot of catch bars colored according to...
plot_discard_currentReturns a plot of discard rate by fish category for an...
plot_discard_trendsReturns a plot of discard rate trends by fish category for an...
plot_ecoregion_mapReturns an map of the ecoregion and the divisions included in...
plot_effort_mapReturns an map of the ecoregion and the divisions included in...
plot_GES_piesReturns an ordered plot of catch bars colored according to...
plot_guild_trendsPlotting time series of F/Fmsy and SSB/MSY B trigger by...
plot_kobeReturns a scatterplot of F/F<sub>MSY</sub> and SSB/MSY...
plot_sar_mapReturns an map of the ecoregion and the divisions included in...
plot_status_prop_piesReturns an ordered plot of catch bars colored according to...
plot_stecfSTECF Landings over time by country, guild, or species
plot_stock_trendsPlotting time series of F/Fmsy and SSB/MSY B trigger for all...
plot_technical_interactionsVisualise a matrix of technical interactions.
plot_vmsVMS Effort and landings over time by country or gear
stockstatus_CLD_currentStock status relative to reference points
stock_trendsWrangling of format_sag output
ices-tools-prod/icesFO documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 2:33 p.m.