Man pages for ick003/GPspt
Using Gaussian process models for spatio-temporal data

GPgenConversion from a long dataframe to a sptm object
GPpredConversion from a long dataframe to a sptm object
GPspt-packageGenerate R documentation from inline comments.
k_featureFeatures isotropic kernel
k_longtermLong term tempporal kernel
k_seasonalSeasonal tempporal kernel
k_shorttermShort term tempporal kernel
k_spatial_isoSpatial isotropic kernel
k_spatial_maternSpatial Mattern kernel
K_wrapWrapper for kernel calculation
logl_gpGP log-likelihood function
optifixOptimise with fixed parameters
parToListConverts theta to hyperparameters
wrap_llWrapper for GP likelihood maximisation
ick003/GPspt documentation built on March 16, 2020, 3:34 a.m.